How to Find the Right Public Health Certificate Program
As public health has gained in popularity for undergraduate and graduate studies as well as potential career paths, the options for what type of undergraduate or graduate program to pursue has become more overwhelming with seemingly unlimited options. Between 2020 and 2021, there was a 40% increase in applications to programs that offered a master in public health within their offerings for graduate school1. Starting by asking yourself whether you want to get a graduate degree, an undergraduate degree, or a certificate in public health is a good first step. Public health certificate programs are a relatively new offering from many colleges and universities, developed directly in response to this growing interest in public health.
We recognize that selecting the best public health certificate program can be a daunting task. In order to choose the right program, you need to consider your own learning style, preferences for format (that is, online or in-person), budget, and professional objectives if you know them. While it would be easy to say here which are the “best” public health certificate programs by listing out the universities with the greatest prestige or that have the most challenging admission criteria, our goal is to show you how to adopt a personalized approach to ensure that your chosen program aligns with your unique needs and goals.
This comprehensive guide aims to provide valuable perspectives and insights to help you navigate the process of selecting an ideal public health certificate program. We’ll conclude with an overview of ten certificate programs.